Healthy teeth, healthy mind!
Welcome to the Plaza Dental Practice website. We see patients either by referral from your general dentist or self referral. We limit our practice to Root Canal Therapies, Dental Implants + Restorative Dentistry & associated treatment. The practice team consists of two Dentists: Dr Teresa Lynn & Dr Brian Dunne and two dental nurse / receptionists: Kate & Michaela. Both Dentists have been in practice since 1987 and worked in London for many years with a short stint in Australia along the way. We have the expertise, experience & training to help you make the right choice for your dental health.
Our Team
The practice team consists of two Dentists :
Dr Teresa Lynn & Dr Brian Dunne and two dental nurse / receptionists: Kate & Michaela.
The practice opened in 2004 and we’re here to stay! Both Dentists have been in practice since 1987 and worked in London for many years with a short stint in Australia along the way. The practice has the expertise, experience & training to help you make the right choice for your dental health. To arrange a consultation please give us a call.
- Call Dr Dunne on 01 820 1390
(Dental Implants) - Call Dr Lynn on 01 820 1360
(Endodontics / Root Canal Treatment)
Having under gone a dental implant treatment procedure over a period of 6- 8 months, I would highly recommend the plaza dental practice. The professional skill, care and attention to detail that was apparent in all aspects of the treatment was very reassuring.
The level of communications that was developed, created a high degree of trust and understanding that was excellent.
And all delivered in a efficient, friendly and accomodating personal manner.
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday = 8am to 5pm
(With lunch 1pm to 2 pm, other hours by prior arrangement.)
Unit 13, The Plaza, Main Street,
Blanchardstown Village,
Dublin 15
Tel : (01) 820 1360
E : info@theplazadentalpractice.ie
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Emergency Arrangements
Registered patients only:
Please call us and leave your name & telephone number on our answering machine, we will contact you as soon as possible.